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Decorate your cars and join us for the Santa Clarita 4th of July Parade –
Followed by lunch at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse.
This event will be led by Jimmy Webster and more information is
to follow once it is posted by the SCV Parade Committee.
FYI…. Rumor from past participants is that we must be at the starting point
of the parade very early.
Karen Jewett will update everyone as we receive timing information!
Click here to download the event PDF
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4th of July Celebration!!
Decorate your cars and join us for the Santa Clarita 4th of July Parade –
Followed by lunch at BJ’s Restaurant & Brewhouse.
This event will be led by Jimmy Webster and more information is
to follow once it is posted by the SCV Parade Committee.
FYI…. Rumor from past participants is that we must be at the starting point
of the parade very early.
Karen Jewett will update everyone as we receive timing information!
Click here to download the event PDF