From the Driver’s Seat – Apr2019
The English proverb describing March coming “in like a lion and going out like a lamb” would better be used for April this year. A storm was brewing ever since February brought new terms for our meeting place to us. Your board checked the finite possibilities in our community for a suitable location to gather for our mandated monthly business meeting and made a decision “outside the box” to hold our April business meeting at the local Embassy Suites on a one-month trial basis. The location, which still allowed the continuation of the social aspects we have enjoyed with our business meetings in the past, was deemed unsatisfactory for the focus of our club and trial was terminated from further consideration.
We immediately moved to a state of déjà vu, that brisk, stunning sensation of having already lived a totally identical situation in past; the feeling that you’ve done this exact same thing once before. A vote was taken to again conduct monthly business meetings at Vincenzo’s Pizza Newhall, where we last met in December 2017. Owner Steve Katz expressed his pleasure that the club was returning and his willingness to take good care of our needs for meeting and enjoying a social time together each month at Vincenzo’s. He offered again to reserve Corvette parking each meeting day and many club members have stepped up to help make that happen. Quite a first week for April, indeed.
Activities in the welcome Spring weather proved well as the month progressed. You can read about the events we enjoyed in the following pages of the Gazette. I personally took part in the run to Buellton and the Mendenhall Museum, Taste of the Town at Lucille’s, our semi-annual BBQ hosted by our friends at Santa Paula Chevrolet and then ending the month at the KHTS radio sponsored Home and Garden Show at Central Park. Great outings, all, and I am looking forward to the events on the horizon our Activities committee has put together.
Our membership year as well as our board year for 2018/2019 is fast coming to a close. With the exodus of this past year’s board moving out of state en masse in mid-term, a scramble ensued to fill vacancies and keep our club on track as we entered our 41st year. With that, now is election time for a new board for 2019/2020. At our upcoming May business meeting, nominations will be taken from the membership. You as members are the club. Think about what position you want to fill in the coming year or who you would like to see on your board. May is when we will take nominations as well as conduct our annual election of officers in the manner prescribed in our by-laws. Be there, at Vincenzo’s, to check our new, old, digs.
So then, like I stated, this year added another month to “in like a lion, out like a lamb.” Whewwww! I’ll see you all in May.