From the Driver’s Seat – Mar2019
March 2019 President’s Message:
Our day to day lives have both certainty and uncertainty that we deal with. Death and taxes
are often mentioned in the certainty column and along with that we in the SCVCC can add no
more meetings at the Oaks Grille. The matter of relocating was presented and discussed at
our March General Meeting and as we moved on from a great meeting place due to changes
in terms of use, we found ourselves in the uncertain column once again as we did with the
closing of Marie Callender’s a couple years ago. We found a happy home for our monthly
meetings at Vincenzo’s which offered both plus and minus aspects for a meeting place as
your board continued to search for a location that suited our needs. The Oaks seemed to be
that place but events once again necessitated a change.
Our search for a new meeting place has raised many questions and concerns in recent
weeks. The question we all have to address is what elements we want in a meeting place.
Our by-laws require us to have a monthly business meeting and state that the meeting must
have a 33% quorum of members. We can go back to our club’s beginnings and again meet in
a member’s garage and fulfill that requirement. Mine is available. I think however that we
have moved beyond the garage phase and can and should do better.
Do we want to just line up chairs and listen to board members present reports or is the social
aspect that we have enjoyed as part of our monthly meetings equally important? Are food
and beverage something that should be available or will an occasional tray of cookies be
enough? It is always stated that this is YOUR club and it should be that. Your board has
considered the locations available in our area and this month we are exploring a new venue,
the Embassy Suites Valencia. The location offers clean and comfortable surroundings where
we can both meet and enjoy the social aspects, but it does come at a cost which will require
us all to cover with a dues increase. This was presented both at our March meeting and in
follow-up communications and to date, I have received only two negative responses.
Will everyone be pleased with the decisions that have to be made about our move? That
remains to be seen. Let’s all get together on April 4th and give it a try. We are a great club
and I know we can do better than meeting in my garage, that is another certainty.
With that said, March was another great month of Corvette activities with Corvette people and
I am looking forward to April being even better.
And, by the way, our 2018 – 2019 membership year is fast coming to a close and now is the
time for you all to start thinking about our club elections. Who will you nominate and who will
serve in the coming year?