From the Driver’s Seat – November 2019
No matter where you are, November or Noviembre, or how you choose to call it, might seem to be a minor month out of the twelve. Number 11 out of 12, next to last, in the shadow of December and the new year coming, November still has plenty to offer.
There are several great things on the calendar in November. We celebrate our veterans with flags and parades. The first Tuesday after the first Monday is typically voting day and don’t forget November is National Peanut Butter Lover’s Month. Even with the push to replace Thanksgiving with Black Friday, Thanksgiving remains the focus for November.
We in our country and our community have so much to be thankful for despite issues that arise from time to time. Even as we looked forward to our special getaway weekend in San Luis Obispo this past month, our community was shaken by the senseless event at Saugus High. Our strength and faith will get us through as always in the past and bright tomorrows will follow.
When I reflect on things I am thankful for, they certainly include my family as I hope the same for you all as well. My list also includes the friendship and caring we enjoy in our club. I constantly witness the concern so many of our club show when those in our midst have an emergency or need. Your generosity for community events such as the Food Pantry and the toys drives are worthy of mention too.
Our club is so much more than a car club. Sure, we enjoy our Corvettes. We keep then shined and tuned and add correct PSI to the run-flats. We drive them proudly and they are our bond, but more important are the friendships that grow in our club. The SLO weekend we just had was a prime example with over 30 people from as many different backgrounds sharing and caring. For that, I am thankful as well.
November has passed, and December is here. We have the hustle and bustle of the holiday rush as we do each year. We have our club party in just a few days as well as toy drives all with weather reports of rainy weather to work around, but the rain clears and rainbows shine and Christmas is coming.
I want to wish you all the best at this special time of year and hope for a wonderful 2020 ahead. In whatever Corvette you drive, that 1954 or the latest mid-engine when they hit the market, always remember to “Save the Wave”.