From the Driver’s Seat – Sep2018
September 2018 President’s Message
With summer coming to an end, the changing of the weather (dropping from the high 100’s to the mid 90’s), and the preparations ramping up for the next series of holidays, September was a month of fun, food, and travel for the club.
“Camp McCloskey’s “Beer, Brats, and Volleyball” was a tremendous success, and a great time was had by those attending this annual event. Chef Clutch (Mike McCloskey) worked tirelessly slaving over a hot grill, with tongs in one hand, and an iced cold beer in the other hand, cooking those links that we all looked forward to enjoying. Clutch’s “Wing Man” (correction – Wing Person), Dorothy McCloskey, was the consummate hostess. She made sure that everyone had a good time, and that all needs were met. Thank you seems hardly enough for all that Mike and Dorothy did in making the event so successful, but Mike & Dorothy, Thank you.
Even with the best laid plans, and coordination of events, things cannot always go as expected. Our monthly Taste of the Town usually draws 40 plus people every third Thursday of the month, but this month was not the case. Because of the number of club members who signed up for a run leaving on Thursday morning, the Taste of the Town was moved to Wednesday. Maybe being creatures of habit, or just not remembering, the turnout was a one table event. I’m not sure what happened the next night, but I can assure you that some members showed up a day late.
Thursday morning, following the Taste of the Town, nearly half of the club gathered at Denny’s on Sand Canyon with gas tank filled Corvettes, and full tummy’s after breakfast for the run to the Prescott Arizona Corvette Car Show. The first leg of the run went to Laughlin, NV where we stopped at the Aquarius Hotel for the night. Some members took in a little table entertainment, leaving with a little extra than when they sat down, while others contributed to the Nevada gaming entertainment fund. In the end, everyone had a great time in Laughlin. The next morning it was off to Prescott, AZ, and a great Corvette Car Show. Of the 260 plus entries, Anthony Bachmura, Don Ceo, Ron Nolan, and Tony Munshi were trophy winners. Even our club as a whole was a trophy winner. The Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club won the Club Participation Trophy. We had 25 Corvettes entered in the show, and thanks to former SCVCC President, Rick Grey, we were all parked together, taking up half a block of parking space. Each year gets better than the previous year, and I look forward to next year’s show. I will be there for sure.
September 29th was our All-Corvette “Show and Shine” car show for charity, held at Route 66 Classic Grill in Canyon Country. Once again, George Thomas opened his business to our club for the spectacular event, and again, it was very successful. There were 111 Corvettes registered, and one almost Corvette made an appearance. A blown funny car drew a lot of attention, and the chassis had not one part that was a Corvette. However, the fiberglass race car body was that of a 1963 Corvette, and that qualified in our opinion. There were plenty of raffle prizes, vendor displays, and a great band the made the event very festive. Money raised was for veterans returning from active duty. The Santa Clarita Coalition is the organization that will receive and administer the distribution of the money, which is dedicated strictly for the benefit of US veterans. The money goes to assist in education, training, and job placement to help the veteran to transition from military to civilian life. George Thomas (owner of Route 66 Grill) commented, “This is the best car show I have ever had here.” Thanks goes to all who participated in the event.
I must point out that the car show didn’t just happen. This year, so many of our club members got involved in the planning and preparation for this event. Long-time members and relatively new members have stepped up to get involved and did an outstanding job. As a result of the influx of newer members, a surge of excitement and desire to be part of a great club is encouraging. Our club is, and has been, ever evolving, and the growth experienced over the past five years has been thrilling. Many members are realizing that they bring something to the table, and that everything contributed makes a difference. For whatever reason, members come and members go, and some return. Over the past 5 years I have seen over 45 new members join the club, an equally as many members depart. Many moved away, some left for health or employment reasons, and unfortunately, some took their last Corvette ride. Members may leave the club, but they will always be members of our Corvette family. Our club has established itself in the community, and after 40 years we are truly regarded as part of the history of Santa Clarita.