From the Driver’s Seat – Feb2018
February has been a good month for the club with an increased number of participants in our runs and meetings. The Activities Committee has worked hard to plan outings that appeal to everyone, and to vary the experiences. There is, and will always be, a common thread when the Activity Committee plans events, and that is food. Our Vettes need fuel, and so do their owners. No matter where we go, plan to eat.
Our most recent run resulted in 27 Corvettes, one (very nice) tin can, and a total of 54 people taking over the patio of the Ladyface Restaurant in Agoura. The drive was enjoyable, the weather was perfect, the food was outstanding, and the camaraderie, unbelievable. Thanks to Ray & Loraine Kemple who jumped ahead of the caravan and took some fantastic pictures, and footage of the string of Corvettes driving through the canyon.
Plans for our 40th Anniversary Car Show have been put in motion, and the date will be September 29, 2018, at Route 66 Classic Café in Canyon Country. Our last show was a tremendous success, raising money for a worthy charity, and this year’s event could surpass the previous amount with the effort and dedication of our members. Mark your calendars, and plan for a great event.
Just a reminder that the election nominations form will be going out to every member in March. Be sure to ask the person you want to nominate for a Board position if they are willing to make the commitment before you put their name on the nomination form. Once the form is received, and completed, it must be returned to the Club Secretary (Ron Bergmann) by the April 15th deadline. Once the nominations forms have been verified, the forms will be given to the Election Committee for preparation of an official ballot which will be sent out via email in May. Cast your vote and make sure your ballot is returned to the Election Committee by May 15th for tabulation. The results will be announced at the June 7th Business meeting.
Additionally, we all will be voting on our club’s Bylaws & Standing Rules revision, so this election ballot is very important. Please be sure to participate in the process. Every member will be furnished with an electronic copy of the Bylaws & Standing Rules to review before casting your vote.
Lastly, at our April 5th Business Meeting, we will be taking club member pictures, so bring your shiny Corvette, and have your picture taken with your Corvette at the TPC. The pictures will be posted on our club’s web page in the Members section.