From the Driver’s Seat – February 2020
February is finally in our rearview mirror. It seemed like the year’s shortest month was longer than usual. Sure, the little month brought us Groundhog Day and the hope for an early spring this year. Then we celebrated Valentine’s Day on the 14th. We had MLK Day, Lincoln’s Birthday, President’s Day and Washington’s Birthday and there was still another week left in our short month.
Even with five Saturdays in the shortest month of the year, thanks to having a 29th day this year, we just had one club event in February. On the 15th, a good-sized group gathered in the Outback/Chuy’s lot to begin the much-anticipated poker run our Activities Committee had in store. We were provided our first card and instructions to stops at the Odyssey in Granada Hills, the Junkyard in Simi Valley, Bunnin Chevrolet in Santa Paula, the Newhall Mansion in Piru and to Route 66 Classic Grill in Santa Clarita for the rest of our poker hands. The weather was ideal, the route was just right and our lunch at our final stop was a perfect finish to the run. Many thanks go out to Jimmy Webster for all of the planning and work that went into making the event a great success.
With March now arriving, usually “in like a lion, out like a lamb”, we are almost certain to have more hospitable weather conditions to allow us to again roll and enjoy events. Although the visit to El Segundo and the Automobile Driving Museum and Rock’n’Brew was scrubbed in more ways than one, fear not, we will surely reschedule. March has us headed for Kernville and Santa Anita, not to mention the Black Bear Diner. I’m looking forward to then all. Additionally, for the track-minded drivers, we just received an invitation from R&S Automotive in Newhall to participate in an open track event at Willow Springs on March 14-15. Add to that, the return of daylight-saving time again and March should be delightful.
February did bring a surprise while hanging out at the beach, flying my kite with a couple of my grandkids. My phone rang and it wasn’t a robocall. Our secretary, Dan Clarkson was the caller, telling me he was enjoying the sunset in St. George, UT. I told him it was nice at the beach too. The call was not about the weather though. Dan and Debi have moved to Utah and have left the club. Sad for us, but good for them. How about some help filling in as SECRETARY until our elections? Please let me know if you are interested in getting involved with the board.
No matter how things seem the same, things are in fact always changing. February and the Clarksons have moved on, but we and March are here and moving together toward Spring. Thanks to all of you for keeping the club on track and an organization people keep wanting to join and take part in.