From the Driver’s Seat – March 2020
President’s Page
Last month seems so long ago as I sit at the keyboard to write you all a message about the direction and well-being of our club. We have never as a country experienced such uncertainty in our lifetime. Mandatory isolation is something we find hard to accept but need to comply with, if for no other reason but to not bring risk to others.
Before becoming a detective, an analytical job to say the least, I was trained in engineering, so numbers and answers are in my nature. This may just be me talking, but the numbers just aren’t there to cause fear and I hope each of you realize deep down that we will be fine and this too will pass.
The reality that we currently face in our club as we quickly discovered is we were compelled to curtail our meetings and events, hopefully just briefly and then get back to all of our important Corvette matters.
Like most of you, I have had some extra time available and during one of those moments Judy and I discussed how we could keep in touch during this “safer at home” period. We thought that we all could reach out to those members in our immediate areas to say “hi” and check in with those nearby.
Most of us have a world beyond the club, but some may not. Our club is an extended family for us and I hope we can brighten each other’s day with a call or text. The board thought the idea of a geographic club list similar to our glove-box roster would be a good idea, so I have prepared one mindful of your desires about release of your information.
Behind the scenes, Scott Gregory has once again done a fine job preparing the first of what we hope to be few virus editions of the Gazette. Thanks go out to Scott. Maybe you can use your new club list to send our birthday and anniversary well wishes to those listed in this month’s newsletter during a commercial break from the news or soap operas.
Board elections will continue on schedule and nomination information will be sent to members during April. Thanks to Mike McCloskey for stepping up to fill the current secretary vacancy.
Meanwhile, I pray each of you remain healthy and mindful that we can continue on together, even from a distance for a while.