From the Driver’s Seat – January 2023
January came and went, but where did it go? All that I seem to remember was day after day seeing the rain fall. We had a chance to turn off our sprinklers for most of the month, so our water bill is less. But then the winter cold brought our heating bill up. Looks like we break even again and still have our Corvettes to keep the smile on our face.
We had a near record of members eager for Jimmy’s Poker Run scheduled for January 14, but alas, the heavy rain washed away our hopes for the event. It appears we are now on track for the run to take place on April 1st, providing this is not an April-Fool event. I am looking forward to our run nonetheless.
Even during the rainy weather though we had a great turnout for our January meeting and a good number enjoyed TOT at the Black Bear Diner. You can always count on them for comfort food that suits a cold winter night.
Even though it is always raining somewhere, we usually aren’t wet in these parts, so our upcoming events should be just fine. A nice drive to the Mojave in just a few days to re-live Death Valley Days in Boron should be fun and I hope to see you and your Corvettes on the road then.
At our last general meeting, Ed Hoffman stepped forward and offered to take the lead to once again hold our SCVCC All-Corvette Car Show this year. 2023 is the 70th year of the Corvette and is an appropriate time to have what was previously held biennially. It is our primary means to raise money for charity and I say I am for it. Many of you have participated in our past car shows and know it requires all of our club to get behind the effort to make the show a success. I ask you all to answer the call from Ed when he asks you to fill the many jobs that are required as we move forward to a show in late September.
As I mentioned in the January general meeting, positions will need to be filled as several board members are projected to be stepping down at the end of their current term on June 30. Those jobs for you to move into and excel are president, vice-president, membership, activities, and secretary. The help-wanted sign will be going up and I am confident that the talent and leadership ability you all possess will cause you to step forward, like Ed Hoffman just did, to keep our SCVCC the best club around. Call me, and let’s talk about what you can do for a term or two. If a farm-boy from Washington can serve on the board, I know you can!
I hope to see you all at our February meeting. I see 63 degrees with 0% chance of percipitation in the forecast, so let’s fill the parking lot with Corvettes on 2-2!