From the Driver’s Seat – June 2023
And just like that, summer is here again. I have to say that we had a splendidly wet winter, followed by the nicest spring season we have witnessed in some time. Now, the switch has been flipped on to the blazing hot setting again for the heat many crave, and others seek shelter from. Summer has arrived, so let’s enjoy it. Let’s lather up with the sunscreen, put the top down, and roll. The beach is calling, and we have Corvettes. Some of us even have kites!
The temperature was perfect as promised in June as over 30 Vettes caravanned to our club picnic at Steckle Park on 6-3. Our Activities team once again put together a fun, relaxing and delicious day for us to gather together and enjoy our camaraderie and Corvettes. It was hard to say which was better, the drive, the games, or the food, but all in all it added up to a wonderful day. Thank you all for attending and many thanks to our planners and organizers for making it happen.
The picnic was not our only event club for June. On 6-17, we again conducted a food drive at Sam’s Club to benefit the SCV Food Pantry. Thanks to all who joined us to support this worthy cause to help those in our community.
Our new board of directors was announced at the June meeting and the positions will be finalized at the July board meeting. Your board exists to assure that our club continues in good standing and is one that is welcoming and fun. Your job is to be good and supportive members and to pitch in with whatever is needed to continue the success of our club. Your help is especially important now as our September 30 Car Show is being organized. Sign up. Contribute. Recruit. Everyone is needed to make our All Corvette Car Show 2023 a success.
As I write this message, the Santa Clarita July 4th holiday is almost here. The 4th is always one of America’s most popular and certainly most important celebrations. We have much to celebrate being Americans. Enjoy and appreciate it. With that, our participation in the local July 4th Parade is something we enjoy participating in each year. Our club is popular with the community, and I thank you all in advance for your participation and wish you a cool, safe, and enjoyable time in the parade.
Just two days after the parade, we will meet for our first club meeting of the new club year. One item of business we will attend to is a vote to update our Standing Rules. As always, our meeting is a fun gathering, but it is our monthly business meeting. If there are issues to discuss, please bring them up for membership. I will see you then.
July was more Corvette fun coming. Check out the events in the Three Months.
It is my honor to serve as president for another term, and if your dues are still unpaid, I hope you will choose to stick with us for another year as the 2023 – 2024 club year is here.
Save the Wave,