From the Driver’s Seat – March 2022
Spring has sprung and our club seems happy about the change of seasons, fewer restrictions and some even welcome the return of Daylight-Saving Time. I could do without the latter since it is my belief that no matter how you view the day, there are still 24 hours, no more, no less.
February seemed to fly by quickly as it always does and just 28 days from the February General Meeting, we gathered again at Santa Clarita Lanes for the March Meeting. Our numbers grew again with 63 in attendance to enjoy getting together and to tend to club business. I am grateful for the hospitality of Santa Clarita Lanes for our meeting location. It seems like longer, but 12 months ago we were still meeting remotely via Zoom. What a wonderful change.
March brought us St Patrick’s Day falling on our Taste of the Town social held at the Olive Garden Italian Restaurant. There was plenty of Kelly Green around the table as we enjoyed our pasta with a good number of attendees.
Just a couple days later, we had an exceptional turnout for our caravan to Arcadia and the Santa Anita Park Day at the Races. Thanks go to Don Ceo for arranging a fun day at the races, horse that is. Our group was afforded great seating in the clubhouse area on an especially gorgeous spring day. There was a full day of camaraderie, fun and even some wagering. If you weren’t there, be sure to check out the pics in this month’s newsletter to get an idea of what you missed.
We all love surprises, and in April, we are looking forward to a Surprise Destination Run on 4-23. Be sure to let Karen know you will be attending!
As always, this is time of year we all need to do our part to keep our club running. Membership renewal for 2022 – 2023 will be here soon, but even sooner will be elections for our board for the coming club year. Now is the time for nominations for all board positions. Consider running. Nominations need to be in, to our secretary, by April 30th with elections in May.
Keep track of your email too, since from time to time something extra may pop up for a run or event that was not scheduled. Also, don’t just let your Corvette sit in the garage between events. Get together with friends for an impromptu run somewhere. You have the added sunlight again and gas is not yet $10 a gallon, so do it!
Have a wonderful April and
Save the Wave!