From the Driver’s Seat – May 2022
Can you believe June is here already? 2022 is almost half over and Summer is about to begin. The school year is ending and there are graduations and those June weddings. It is also the month in which our club year 2021 – 2022 comes to an end. This is the month too when the results of our election for board officers is announced and we all find out who will lead our great club for the coming year.
I never purported to be a mind-reader, but as I sit at the keyboard I can’t help but believe that club year 2022 – 2023 will have the same board as the year past. Awaiting the results of the ballot count by our Inspectors of Election, my hunch is most of you did not vote. Just my guess.
We have 87 regular members on the roster and my hope would be 87 ballots, just the living members, would have been submitted. Silly me.
In our 44 years as a club, we have had 27 members who held the office of President, an average of about 1.6 years per person. While our by-laws specify no term limits for board offices, there has been some talk of instituting a change to limit time in board positions. The advantages and disadvantages of term limits might be a good topic for business meeting discussion.
Among our 87 current members, there are just 15 who have served on our board, 11 of them are presently serving and I predict those 11 will be elected to another term for 2022 – 2023.
If I am so elected, I will be proud to serve one more year. I hold as my belief however that while our board, with me included, may be doing a satisfactory job in keeping the SCVCC on track, among the remaining 74 members who have never yet served on the board, it is time for many of you to step up and assume a role in leadership.
I plan on making this my final year as President and there will likely be other vacancies after this term. Let us have a smooth transition in a year by more of you becoming involved in board functions in the coming month and let’s see your name on next year’s ballot.
With that said, enjoy our Newsletter reading about what we did in May and what’s coming up. It is terrific we have so many participating in the Monterey Coast Corvette Cruise this month. We have been cooped up too long. The club picnic in June will be another treat and just after that we will again participate in the SCV July 4th Parade. All of these things are only part of what is in store in the coming months. If you haven’t taken part in a run in a while, now is the time to re-join us for some Corvette fun.
As a reminder too, it is time to renew your membership for club year 2022 – 2023. Renewal forms need to be filled out and provided to Membership Chair Judy Woodings and your dues payment goes to Treasurer Dennis Monden.
Hope to see you on our special June General Meeting night, WEDNESDAY, June 1, 2022.
Save the Wave