From the Driver’s Seat – Aug2017
AUGUST 2017 – As I sit to write for this Newsletter, I thought of how I remind those reading this of the events of the month, and on occasions, address club related current events. This time I decided that rehashing the month was unnecessary. Those who attended our events have already enjoyed the experiences, and those who missed the events lost out on some really fun times. I will however, mention that Mike McCloskey was involved in a very serious motorcycle accident this month. He’s recovering at home, and will be out of commission for the next three months, at least. We all wish him well, and a smooth and speedy recovery.
This past month was filled with some changes, and personal events. Several of our members are now, or very soon to be, new owners of new Grand Sports. Some may say it’s a change, but in reality, it’s an evolution. There are also changes in our membership roles, with some of our members moving out of state, and some leaving for various reasons. This club, as I’ve always said, is a family, and a social club of Corvette owners, and like any family, some move on to new adventures. We wish them all the best, and they will always be part of our extended club family. Our club may change, but it too is ever evolving.
As we start our fortieth year as a club in the Santa Clarita Valley, I can only wonder if in 1977, Dave Wells and a couple of Corvette owners thought that the club they formed in a garage, would still be going strong 40 years later. In the following years the club experienced growth, and decline in club participation, and at one point was down to only 6 members. Fortunately, inevitable change occurred, the club began to grow, and on June 2, 2005, the Santa Clarita Valley Corvette Club became a California nonprofit mutual benefit corporation, officially registered with the State of California.
The Corvette has seen seven generation changes from the day the first Corvette rolled of the line, and our club has seen as many or more changes in direction and goals. Over the past five years, our club has evolved into an integral part of the Santa Clarita Valley, we are active in our community, and we give back to our community through active support and charitable contributions by our unselfish members.
A club is only as good as its people, and without hesitation, I can say that our club members, and those on the waiting list are the best of the best. I’m excited to be part of the evolution of this great club, and look forward to the inevitable changes, and what the future holds for such a great club.