2019.07.18 Taste-of-the-Town – Route 66, Canyon Country
This month we return to one of our perennial favorites, Route 66! Let’s gather for friends, burgers, and more! 18730 Soledad Canyon Road, Canyon Country. See you at 6:00pm!
This month we return to one of our perennial favorites, Route 66! Let’s gather for friends, burgers, and more! 18730 Soledad Canyon Road, Canyon Country. See you at 6:00pm!
According to Wikipedia, a picnic is a meal taken outdoors as part of an excursion – ideally in scenic surroundings, such as a park, lakeside, or other place affording an interesting view, or else in conjunction with a public event, and usually in summer. Our third annual SCVCC picnic definitely fit the bill in all aspects. We had a meal. The event was outdoors, in a scenic park. It was part of an excursion with our beautiful caravan. It celebrated an event, out member appreciation. And, it was scheduled on the second day of summer. Well done Activities Committee for such attention to detail!
Since our first annual club picnic in 2017, a tradition was born and our picnic event has improved with each outing. We again held our picnic at Steckel Park, on Highway 150, north of Santa Paula. The park offers everything needed for a gathering of a club our size.
There is plenty of parking for a Corvette Corral. There are pavilions for dining and games. There is open space for competitions and plenty of shade for just hanging out. Steckel Park was the place to be on June 22 for our member appreciation event!
Events like this don’t just happen though. We don’t just show up at a designated spot for a caravan and roll into our destination with a lot of prior planning and preparation. The Activities committee and their picnic support team have been meeting and preparing for months making this one afternoon possible and our thanks go out to all who worked so hard to make our picnic a success.
As always. picnic day started early for our set-up team as they claimed our spot at Steckel Park and went about the set-up activity, once again making sure every detail matched Mark Ware’s extensive preparation spreadsheet.
At a reasonable start time of 10 AM, attendee members gathered at the designated assembly area in the Walmart lot for headcount and sign-in and payment of parking fees, eager to move on to the awaiting picnic. Light traffic allowed us to keep our 19 Corvettes together in a spectacular caravan westbound on CA 126 all the way to our destination.
Once there, we rolled into our reserved “Corvette Corral” we caravanners all witnessed the splendid set-up that was waiting for us. Both covered pavilions were decorated, game areas laid out and equipped with all types of picnic games and music was in the air.
The staff from Laird’s Butcher Shop in Santa Paula was on hand and already preparing our picnic feast as we arrived. Their cooking skills seem to improve with every event we attend in the Santa Paula area. They add to our pleasure at not only our picnics but at the Santa Paula Chevrolet bi-annual BBQ events as well. Picnic baskets of old were nice, but BBQ is a great call.
PIC 8While music played in the background, picnickers went about visiting and competition in the events on the lawn. Bocce ball, croquet, cornhole game, Jenga, bingo, and the Corvette tabletop race competition were all available. The volleyball was flat and there was no spiking this time out.
The call to eat went out and the line quickly formed to pick and choose from the Tri-tip, Chicken, sausages, and all the trimmings available for our picnic lunch. As soon as the BBQ sauce was wiped from the corners of our mouths, dessert was on everyone’s mind. With the many choices available, the blackberry pie apparently was at the top of the list and disappeared in a blink of the eye.
Throughout the afternoon, there were numerous raffle prizes given out and a nice 50-50 pot as well. All of the bases were covered!
The bottom line in this report from your writer’s point of view is that all in all, the picnic was fun, delicious and again a success.
Besides the Activities committee it is all of the attendees who are to be thanked too for coming out and adding to the fun of the event. We appreciate each and every one who worked and played together as a club to make Picnic 2019 a fun time. Well done!
It’s chop house time! Indeed, it was when twenty-five of us met at one our local favorites, the Saddle Ranch. Originally, we were scheduled to meet at the Red Robin Restaurant, but we found out ahead of time that they were not able to make it happen for us as they had originally promised. But no matter, George, and the other fine folks at the Saddle Ranch are always happy to make us feel welcome.
The super friendly wait staff did a great job with our large table, and everyone was pleased to see the baskets of warm biscuits arrive while we reviewed the menu for the evening’s offerings.
The Saddle Ranch has something for everyone from, steaks and ribs, to salads and sandwiches, and we did our best to represent just about everything from the menu.
The food was good, hot and flavorful – just the way we like it.
Following our dinner, we were pleasantly surprised when they sent out complimentary desserts in the form of warm bread pudding alamode, yum!
It was another great Taste of the Town, although no one from our group rode the bull, most enjoyed shooting it for a while. Be sure to join us next month for burgers, fries, and chocolate shakes at Route 66!
Activities committee contact is Donna Webster donnawebster@pacbell.net (661) 644-0543.
Fourth of July parade is on Thursday. If you have signed up to join in on the parade. The details are not known as of yet. Here are the details. We do know to be there early to avoid blocked streets and traffic.
Dress yourselves and your car to match the theme of the parade “2019 Theme: The Signal Century: Celebrating Our Press Freedom,
with the Permanent Theme: Celebrating America’s Independence.” Wear your Red White & Blue or club attire.
Jimmy Webster will be the event coordinator.
Nineteen Corvettes gathered on a beautiful, top-down Saturday morning for some small talk and coffee at our usual southern meeting spot. Following the short drivers’ meeting, we began the short drive to Sylmar, where we gathered again in the lower level of the Nethercutt Museum to find ourselves folded-in with several other car clubs, an Elk’s lodge, and a number of civilians who were all there for the tour.
Our guide, Kyle Irwin, a full-time employee and curator for the museum, was extremely knowledgeable and offered a lot of interesting facts about the displays, museum history, and some behind the scenes information. During the tour we were also given plenty of opportunities to wander around the magnificent automobiles, Art Deco hood ornaments, ornate music boxes, Hümmel figurines, and an impressive collection of mechanical musical instruments.
Kyle was quick to point out that everything in the collection is fully functional, and the point was emphasized during the tour finale when he turned the mighty Wurlitzer pipe organ loose against a vintage Steinway player piano, and the resulting duel was an impressive performance of one-hundred-year-old technology.
When it was over, it wasn’t really over because there was so much more left to see, but we simply ran out of time! So, I guess we will just have to go back again at a later date.
After the tour, our group, less about fifty of our new-found tour friends, made the drive to Mission Hills and the famous Bear Pit, Missouri-Style Bar-B-Q restaurant. What specifically is Missouri style BBQ you may ask? Well, it’s simply a broader term for traditional Kansas City Style BBQ, which is a slow-smoking technique over a hard-wood fire, and then served with a thick, tomato-based barbecue sauce. This held true for lunch which included the full menu of ribs, brisket, hot links, chicken, and all the fixings, including their legendary garlic toast.
This was a fun, well planned event that made for a great Saturday morning adventure. If you were not able to attend, and have never been to the Nethercutt Museum, you owe it to yourself to take some time and check it out. The Nethercutt family, and by extension, Merle Norman Cosmetics, has spent 63 years building this collection of concourse quality cars, and an array of other rare collectibles that has become their local legacy.
It was a blustery May evening, when twenty-four of us gathered in the warm and inviting atmosphere of the Olive Garden Italian Kitchen, where we were welcomed by a number of pleasant and attentive waitstaff.
They greeted us with baskets of warm bread-sticks, bowls of Italian dressed salad, and wine that ran freely.
Well, maybe not so much the wine, but the rest of it was plentiful. It was a great Taste of the Town.
One of the most popular aspects of the Olive Garden are the combination plates made up of pasta and other Italian favorites, and this night they did not disappoint. Other popular entrées included the chicken and shrimp carbonara, meat lasagna, fettuccine Alfredo, and the wide variety of frittatas—there was something for every Italian food lover. Some of the members even took advantage of the $5.00 take home entrees, for meals the next day!
Please join us next month at Red Robin Gourmet Burgers and Brews, located at 27063 McBean Parkway, in the Prominade Shopping Center. mark your calendars, and we’ll see you there!
Come join us as we kick-off Summer 2019 (begins 6/21/2019 08:54 AM PDT) with this month’s social gathering, drive-n-eat at Saddle Ranch Chop House, Valencia Town Center Mall. Start 6 PM.
Time for dinner out and socializing with your Corvette friends. No dishes to do tonight! Join us at another of our Santa Clarita’s great eating spots. Reminder to all, start time is 6 PM! Our Taste of the Town evenings are always a great social event, so plan to join us will you, May 16th at the Olive Garden. Sources report there is a Cold Stone Creamery nearby.
Story: Scott Gregory
Our Taste of the Town this month found a small, but happy group of nineteen club members gathered on the spacious patio at Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que.
The amazing spring weather made for a perfect evening of conversation, laughs, and biscuits n’ butter!
The members’ dinner choices ran the menu from freshly battered southern fried chicken strips, to the crispy Caesar salad, and many of the house favorites such as the fried chicken and gravy, smoked beef brisket, and baby back ribs, all of which included the full complement of side dishes and beverages.
The friendly wait staff worked hard to set up for our group, and they helped make our meal enjoyable with friendly and efficient service.
After dinner, the evening was just too beautiful to call it a night, so a small but dedicated team set out on a reconnaissance mission to Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt, where the mission was deemed successful.
Our Taste of the Town evenings are always a great social event, so plan to join us will you, May 16th at the Olive Garden. Sources report there is a Cold Stone Creamery nearby.
The racing forms had my morning line at Santa Anita Park ranging anywhere from 2-1 to 8-5, short odds for sure. But once at the track, I sat out the first two races, placed just out of the money in the third, lost the fourth, gave up the fifth by a nose, and had a mediocre filly drop to the rear in the final, and it was still a great day! But I’m getting ahead of myself.
We started out on a really nice Saturday morning with twenty-five Corvettes, which included seven cars from the Ventura County Corvette Club, all gathered in our usual meeting spot next to the Outback Steakhouse. Mike and Judy joined us for a little while to greet our Ventura guests and to see us off before they had to breakaway for a prior engagement with the Solid Axle Corvette Club.
After the drivers meeting, we gathered up, lined up, and radioed up, before rolling out
on our journey.
It’s always a challenge to keep a caravan of Corvettes together, and more so after encountering some Saturday morning traffic along the 210 corridor. But good coordination kept everyone on track, and we arrived together at our destination.
Once we pulled into the grounds at Santa Anita Park, we were welcomed by personalized signs that directed us to our reserved parking area.
A short walk to the prestigious Club House entrance put us inside where everyone went their own way for a little while to visit the restrooms, restaurants, bar, or find the clubhouse seating.
Some of us also found our way to the Winner’s Circle Championship BBQ area to sample the wide range of treats prepared by the competitors.
By post time, we had gathered back in the grandstands for a full afternoon of more fun, food, drink, conversation,
and plenty of pari-mutuel betting.
Our group’s luck—or dare I say skill—with betting the ponies was not without its highlights. Some of us did quite well, some did okay, but most broke even. As for those of us who didn’t quite have the equine touch, we still came out winners by enjoying good times with good people!