Ventura Harbor Sat. Drive
Story: Mike Woodings
Photos: Steve Turkheimer, Janene McDonald
The old saying goes, “April showers bring May Flowers”, but it’s March! What we are living is March showers bring changes to the itinerary.
The planned drive for a Saturday Spring outing to Ojai was literally scrubbed due to road conditions after a couple of weeks of rain. What to do? No problem. Our Activities people produced an alternate plan and our Communications guy got the word out and we were still good to go!
Twenty Corvettes with thirty-seven participants for the Saturday run assembled at Walmart for their drivers’ meeting for a caravan out CA 126 to Brophy Brothers at the Ventura Marina. The drive was beautiful under sparkling blue skies with the caravan adding to the amazing scenery. There were plenty of thumbs-up from our fellow drivers along the way. The staff at Brophy Brothers did a great job taking care of our orders and needs, especially after such short notice and our thanks go out to them.
Mark Ware came prepared with his drone and we all assembled for a group shot (top article photo) before heading for other activities in the area, around the marina and beyond. We were even treated to a “mermaid parade”, our lucky day!
Thanks to our Activities Committee for making it all happen and making the needed adjustments to plans so we could hit the road together after being confined by Mother Nature for the past week.
Stay tuned to your email for news about upcoming caravans and events our Activities people have in store!