From the Driver’s Seat – Mar2018
March was a month that turned out to be better than expected, given the weather forecasts that kept changing daily. Fortunately for us, all the events we had planned, took place between rain storms. The week of St. Patrick’s Day brought nothing but rain, and even Dallas Raines predicted rain for the 17th, which just happened to be the three Corvette clubs BBQ hosted by Santa Paula Chevrolet. Two days before the run, most of those who had signed up had canceled because of the forecast of rain, but Saturday morning arrived with clear skies, dry roads, and a comfortable temperature. 19 Corvettes and an Arizona registered Tin Can showed up at the starting point. Needless to say, the BBQ was a tremendous success.
Saturday morning on the 24th, 37 people and 19 Corvettes gathered at the Walmart parking lot for what would turn out to be another beautiful run to the coast, and lunch at Brophy Brothers Restaurant in Ventura, with a beautiful view of the harbor. Ron and Joyce Bergmann led the procession, followed closely behind by Jeff and Leeann Carley, our tail gunner for the trip. Well, maybe not so closely, there were 17 other Corvettes in between. Everyone had a great drive, and an unbelievable view proving California does have hills that are green, and lush.
Just a few points to remember:
Be sure to get your election nominations form to the club Secretary, Ron Bergmann, by April 15th.
Thursday, April 5th, starting at 5:00 pm is club picture day, so bring your shiny Corvette for a picture that will be posted on the club’s web page, you may want to wear your club attire for this photo, yes you will be in the picture with your Corvette.
Start using the new web page and get comfortable with it. It changes frequently with news articles, video showing, and featured events. Also, it will become the club’s main portal for sign-ups, or cancellations for events, renewal of membership, and dues payments, and other club related information. Any board member can be contacted directly through the web page under the club officer’s tab.
September 29th is our 40th Anniversary, Club Car Show for charity at Route 66. Be sure to mark in on your calendar. This year’s charity event is for the Santa Clarita Coalition, Adopt-A-Vet.
Lastly, due to conflicts at our meeting location, the June meeting will be moved to Wednesday, June 6th. Mark it on your calendar.