Another C7 Update
Story: Mike Woodings
No, not me again! The Grand Sport is fine. Now, though, think back a couple months when your editor (me) told you Tommy Couples is the guy. He knows his Corvette and knows when something is just not right.
Tommy is the guy who replaced the C6 which had gas tank issues with the C7 that was diagnosed with a transmission issue.
Next into Tommy’s garage was his newly acquired 2018 Ceramic Gray convertible. You know Tommy, my friend who expressed sorrow about my issues with the Grand Sport. Tommy heard noise in the left rear of his ‘Vette at about 48 mph that shouldn’t be there.
Ever mindful of his resources, Tommy researched the answer and on April 23rd he headed to the dealership to get things corrected. I will leave you all in suspense until the May meeting when Tommy will give us all the full and complete update in Car Talk. Prepare to take copious notes!
By the way, we will also be waiting for an update from Bob Shierer about his 2017 Grand Sport. It seems he too might have an issue similar to yours truly. We will see.
Remember though, while so many of non-Corvette people are concerned about replacing parts, they worry about knees and hips. Not us hearty Corvetters though, to us, the parts to be concerned with are those darn torque tubes and rear ends.
In the meantime, keep your ears open for indicator noises that shouldn’t be there and bookmark Corvette Forum on your computer!