Taste of the Town – CPK
Story: Mike Woodings
April has arrived and so has Daylight Saving Time. The ideal weather and later sunset were a good combination to draw another crowd for our latest Thursday Taste of the Town. This month our affair was at the infamous California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) in Bridgeport.
Our 6 PM meeting/dining time was ideal to find parking, however there were a couple members who created their own special Corvette Corral out by the dumpsters. Who says Corvette people aren’t ingenious?
CPK makes some darn good designer pizza and the report is that our 37 attendees all found something of interest on the menu.
The CPK staff did an excellent job taking care of all of our needs and desires from the time we descended on the establishment and until the time we all filed out. Thanks, CPK, for taking good care of us and for your donation to our club charity fund. We are community partners.
The calendar says we will be enjoying the hospitality of the Olive Garden when we next meet for TOT on May 17th. PM is our meeting time, but hey, Olive Garden has some Happy Hour offerings you might want to check out. Just sayin’…
Until then, we will meet again at another fine event put together by our Activities Committee. If you want to help plan one or more of our upcoming functions, get with the committee and let’s make it happen.