From the Driver’s Seat – August 2023
September has arrived. We still have some summer remaining and school kids have already been hitting the books for over two weeks. August was hot, but it always is. We sorta had a hurricane and an earthquake to bring Dr. Lucy Jones out of hibernation. We even had a surprise sprinkle just after final credits of Top Gun Maverick on movie night. Pretty much a normal August that you might read about in the Old Farmer’s Almanac.
We had our August General Meeting at Santa Clarita Lanes with a near record turnout at our bowling alley venue. We enjoyed a delicious Taste of the Town outing for our favorite Chinese entrees at Grand Panda. August was off to a Grand Start it seemed, for most.
But wait, there’s more. At that same TOT event, our board held an emergency meeting to consider the newly discovered requirement requiring the club (our nonprofit mutual benefit corporation) to have a permit from the California DOJ in order to conduct a raffle to benefit our car show charity. Our permit application was rejected, and in order to comply with California law, the board halted the September 30 car show. These circumstances will be discussed fully at our September General Meeting.
The car show cancellation came as a great disappointment to us all. A lot of effort went into the preparation, and the membership is commended for supporting the show. Many lessons were learned. Most important though, we know we can make a show happen.
As the car show cancellation became a reality, the undoing began quickly and is still continuing. At the same time, the critical board position of secretary needed to be filled. Thanks to longtime SCVCC member and past board member Dan Stern for stepping up for the job.
During August, the realization of the importance of our board was especially evident. I mention that because as a result of recent events our club, and corporation, are better than we found them, thanks to actions by the board. There will likely be more board positions that will need to be filled in the next club year, so I am asking all of the membership to consider when you will take your turn in leadership to keep our 45 year old club alive and on track for the future.
I am looking forward to seeing some smiling and confident people at our September meeting. There are some fun events coming up. Our club is top-notch, and I want to assure you that all of my efforts are meant to keep it that way.
Save the Wave!