From the Driver’s Seat – February 2021
A year ago in February it was like we were on a wonderful cross-country caravan and entering the Eisenhower Tunnel for the first time ever. The darkness overcame the light and we drove on wondering when the daylight would return. It is February again and our situation is much the same. Up ahead, there is a glimpse of light, increasing, but not as bright as before. A cloud is blocking the sun on the other side of the mountain but we are still in control, driving on.
We continue to find ourselves and the club under a cloud of restriction from some real, and some not so real factors. Most of us want to be left alone to live, work, and enjoy life. Some worry about our situation and many do not. Some think shots are the answer and others will wait. At some point, the cloud will roll back and we all will see more clearly our road ahead.
February 2021 found our club members more anxious and willing to get together with Corvettes and Corvette people. We had a great run to Summerland and everyone participating made it a fun event. With restaurants again able to provide outside service, Taste of the Town at Route 66 Classic Grill had an equally great turnout and the Corvettes all in line made a great backdrop.
Our Activities team is meeting and planning and hopefully more events and runs will be on the calendar in the weeks to come as the clouds continue to clear. Keep reading all of your email from our communications guy since opportunities to get together are likely to pop up with short notice.
I am pleased to announce that our board positions are all filled. This past month, our Treasurer Dennis Monden assumed a second hat and another dandle as he took over the Quartermaster job. Thanks to Dennis for stepping up and clubwear is on its way again.
In February also, your board members formally thanked our local Sam’s Club for their support of our latest food drive for the SCV Food Pantry. Manager Laurie Hernandez was presented with a plaque from the SCVCC expressing our gratitude for their help for such a worthy cause.
During our February Zoom general meeting I mentioned that we were looking forward to conducting our March meeting in-person again at Bunnin Chevrolet in Fillmore. We were on their calendar for March 4, but in conversation with the dealership this past week it was decided to wait another month for our meetings to resume there…just in case. The clouds haven’t cleared entirely, but we are moving in the right direction in my opinion. We should all put April 1 on our calendar…no fooling.
We still have club business to attend to in the coming weeks as well. Membership renewal and board elections are on the near horizon, even with the still cloudy sky. Details of those items will be coming soon. We hope to keep our membership up and for you to consider filling a board position in the coming term. Picture yourself with another dangle on your nametag, even one that reads PRESIDENT!
See you at the next event, and on Zoom too.