Corvette News
2025 Corvette ZUV: What Could a Corvette SUV Look Like – According to AI?
Here we go again. The same debate that raged when Porsche decided to save itself by sacrificing everything it stood for—or so the purists screamed—by building an SUV seems likely to erupt, as the evidence that Chevrolet will expand Corvette into a proper brand piles up.
Dec 7, 2022 – Alex Kierstein; MotorTrend
The Corvette is already semi-formally its own brand—Corvettes wear the crossed-flag emblem, not the Chevy bowtie, although there’s a bowtie incorporated in the red flag—so the real controversy centers around expanding the Corvette name to vehicles that aren’t two-door sports cars. And if we’re talking about a new bodystyle, there’s only one thing that makes sense: a crossover.
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From the Driver’s Seat – November 2023
Where has 2023 gone? Another 365 days completed at the end of December. It is good that we have an extra day for Corvette enjoyment to look forward to in 2024. It’s good too to have a great Corvette club where we can share our fun with like-minded Corvette people. We meet together, we dine out together, and we roll on runs together as a club. Our SCVCC helps make all of that happen!
Our club, as you all now know, has had some recent organizational challenges that were in need of addressing. The fixes were made, and we are ready to begin a new year on the right track. However, there is always a “however”, three of our board members separately, but jointly, stepped down mid-term effective 12-31-23. Their service was commendable, and please know that your board remains solid and focused on continuing to lead our club as the best Corvette club around.
With that said, I encourage one of you to step up to manage our Activities as Activities Chair. All members also need to contribute their ideas and leadership in the area of Activities. We are all in this together and there are endless possibilities for events to keep our club happy. Most of you recall our Zoom meeting when I appeared wearing FOUR different hats. Don’t let that happen again. Give me a call and let’s talk about ACTIVITIES. Help us finish this 2023-2024 Club Year and maybe then get your name on the ballot for the coming club year!
November gave us much to be thankful for too. Our run to the Nethercutt Museum in Sylmar was well attended and the Missouri BBQ at the Bear Pit was delicious. Many of us made it to Taste of the Town at Maria Bonita’s in Agua Dulce for a nice evening out enjoying each other’s company, tacos and beyond. We somehow snuck in Thanksgiving between fun club events and finished November with an outstanding turnout for the local Los Angeles Sheriff – Santa Clarita Toy Drive with twenty Corvettes in attendance. Following our 0.7 mi run from Walmart to the new Sheriff’s station, we made our way to Route 66 Classic Grill for a final gathering before our go-to nostalgic restaurant closes its doors and faces a TBA status under new ownership. Thanks to Bob Haas for organizing the event, the LASD for holding the gathering and to George Thomas for his many years of hospitality at Route 66!
The weatherman teased us all week prior to our planned food drive at Sam’s on Nov 18. Sadly, but out of an abundance of caution for a rainy day, the food drive was cancelled. We were unable to collect contributions for the SCV Food Pantry at this important time of year. Looking forward though, it is our hope that we can all bring donations for the Food Pantry when we attend our upcoming Christmas Party at Knollwood Country Club on Dec 9, like we have done at many prior Christmas parties. Additionally, I hope too that many of you will also still consider providing contributions for the Santa Clarita Veteran Services Collaborative now, having not provided support from our car show. I know this sounds like a lot to ask, but it’s Christmas.
We again have the Spark of Love Toy Drive sponsored by Bunnin Chevrolet – Santa Paula on Dec 2. I also hope many will have participated in this fun annual multi-club event.
I hope also to see a big turn-out for our December General Meeting at Santa Clarita Lanes and I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and as always, Save the Wave!
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